Sportspal Canoes
FAQ'S (Frequently Asked Questions)
SPORTSPAL Canoes by Meyers are a premier sporting canoe. Formed out of hardened aircraft aluminum and lined
with Eathafoam (closed cell polyethylene) they won't sink. Fully loaded and swamped
with water, your SPORTSPAL will continue to float upright. Swimmers or hunting dogs
can climb in from the water using proper safety techniques. Four color options, including
two camouflage. A wide, flat bottom coupled with the side eathafoam sponsons
adds to the stability of the SPORTSPAL.
Q. What are the special features of a SPORTSPAL
for Hunting and Fishing ?
A. The SPORTSPAL was especially designed for hunting and fishing. A duck
hunter's dog can climb in and out for retrieving game when canoe is properly
balanced. Being very light, it is easy to portage. And, of
course, since you virtually cannot sink a SPORTSPAL, all that valuable gear that sportsmen carry have less chance of
accidental loss. Also, the canoe design gives you much more room than many duck boats. The SPORTSPAL is designed to give
year round use, adaptable to many sports activities.
Q. Is the Sportspal really that stable?
A. Yes, it is one of the most stable canoes that you can buy. Of course it must
also be used properly to achieve maximum stability. For instance -
overloading one end of the canoe will make it unbalanced and affect
stability. It is best to distribute the weight uniformly. For
example, best stability is achieved by having the sponsons evenly level with the
water from front to back - this may require putting some gear forward if you are
in the boat alone or with a lighter front passenger. Also, when swimmers
or dogs climb into the Sportspal, it is best for the passenger in
the canoe to counterbalance the boat by leaning in the opposite direction.
Many of the
testimonials state that they stand up in the Sportspal -- this is
not recommended for safety reasons and does
not mean that you cannot fall out of the boat. Remember no boat is totally
unsinkable or untippable - Remember the Titanic. Using common sense
and good boating practice will add to the Sportspal's integral stability.
Q. What length should I consider?
A. This is a personal choice. The Sportspal
Model S-14 is the most popular. The longer a Sportspal Model is - the
more stable it is. Also as with any canoe, the longer it is - the easier
it will be to paddle.
Q. What camouflage colors are available?
A. Olive Drab (military type flat green) and Birchbark Yellow (contains brown camo marks over
light yellow/tan background) are the two favorite camo colors available at no additional charge.
Q. Can I Use It in Saltwater??
A. Yes, People have used aluminum boats in saltwater for decades
with no harmful effects -- Visit your local marina to confirm this for yourself
--There you will see a multitude of aluminum boats used in salt water
environments. In addition, the Sportspal Canoe has a painted hull which
gives additional protection. See the Testimonial
Page where many Sportspal Canoe users give comments about saltwater fishing
and hunting. As with any boat used in salt water, it is always best to
rinse with fresh water after usage.
Q. Why is it also a good family canoe ?
A. Easy to paddle with plenty of room for family activities.
Q. What kind of seats should I order with my SPORTSPAL ?
A. Eathafoam seats are standard, this removable seat is a low profile seat with a bottom and back like
a stadium seat. At least one eathafoam seat or other center seat is necessary to allow you to also row your
SPORTSPAL. Traditional raised gunwale seats are optional. Square stern models have a rear gunwale seat and
front eathafoam seat as standard. Eathafoam seats stow out of the way in the bulkheads when not in use.
Eathafoam seats provide the maximum stability.
Q. Is paddling the only alternative ?
A. No, you can row or motor your Sportspal by adding paddle locks to convert paddles to oars or by using the
add on trolling motor mount for double ended models, and of course square stern models for gas engines are
also available. An Eathafoam or a center seat is necessary for the rowing position.
Q. Why are there two beam measurements?
A. Interior beam is 38", Exterior beam with sponsons is 44"
Q. What is Eathafoam, and what are it's benefits?
A. Eathafoam ( Closed cell polyethylene) is a space age material that will not absorb water. It insulates the hull
from cold water, and muffles noise (won't scare fish & wildlife). It provides superior
Q. I have seen other canoes labeled "SPORTSPAL" from Canada. Is this SPORTSPAL the same as a Radisson?
A. No, but you might say that they are cousins. Many years ago, the Radisson
Company sold the SPORTSPAL name, now
owned by Meyer's Boat Company for use in the USA. Older SPORTSPAL by Meyers are very close in design to the current Radisson.
However, the current SPORTSPAL by Meyers is what you might call a "tougher American cousin". The differences
0.032 Hardened Aircraft Grade
Aluminum hull. 6010-T4 hull is stretched formed and heat
treated to a hardness of 6010-T6, (Webster scale) |
0.022 Marine Grade 5052 Aluminum hull |
Two Piece hull riveted on keel. Stretch
Formed and heat treated. |
One Piece folded hull with multiple seams
covered with sealer. |
1/2" Eathafoam liner |
3/8" Eathafoam liner |
40% Thicker, Larger Sponsons
for superior stability/floatation |
Smaller sponsons |
Q. What is the difference between the SPORTSPAL by Meyers
and the Sportsman by MichiCraft?
A. Only the name, both canoes are identical. The Sportsman is private labeled for MichiCraft by Meyers Boat Co.
